Ice Breaker — Student Names

Ice Breaker (Student Names) Shared by Jacque Wilson-Jordan This activity takes a full 50-minute period, but to me it’s worth it. The classroom geography is decentralized, a welcome change from me standing up and reading the syllabus on day one. The students greet each other and learn about each other. I learn about them; theyContinue reading “Ice Breaker — Student Names”

The Smartest Students and Instructors in the Class

Smartest Student and Instructor Shared by Isabel Quintana Wulf With inspiration from/credit to Transforming Teaching Through Learning Seminar, Lansing Community College, MI This activity is a course-starter activity designed to come up with a Student/ Instructor contract setting basic expectations for classroom behavior, preparedness, and interactions for the semester ahead. First, show the instructions toContinue reading “The Smartest Students and Instructors in the Class”

Goals and Questions: An Activity for Synthesizing the Course Syllabus

Goals and Questions Shared by Susan Naomi Bernstein With inspiration from/credit to an activity presented at a universal design pedagogy workshop at Landmark College in Putney, Vermont After perusing the course syllabus and preliminary discussion of the course goals and assignments, draw on this activity to engage communication and understanding between students and professor.