Goals and Questions: An Activity for Synthesizing the Course Syllabus

Goals and Questions

Shared by Susan Naomi Bernstein

With inspiration from/credit to an activity presented at a universal design pedagogy workshop at Landmark College in Putney, Vermont

After perusing the course syllabus and preliminary discussion of the course goals and assignments, draw on this activity to engage communication and understanding between students and professor.

Published by EB

Elizabeth is a professor of developmental reading and writing at Illinois Central College. Growing up in Arvin, CA, Elizabeth was forever shaped by the injustices as well as the community and shared responsibility created by the migrant farming situation. As a first-generation college student and community college graduate, Elizabeth is a fierce advocate of open admissions and basic writing programs. While pursuing her Ph.D. in Writing Studies at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Elizabeth focused on basic writing, literacy studies, and disability studies. Her dissertation explored how the introduction of standardized intelligence testing and the eugenics movement converged with limited understandings of literacy to create the category of learning disabilities. That history informs her academic obsession with public (mis)understandings of basic writers. In her non-academic life, Elizabeth is a wife, mom, dog lover, and good food fanatic.

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